The way that we’re training people is changing. Since the Covid pandemic accelerated the shift to remote and blende...
If you’re looking to get Adult Skills Fund (ASF) funding, which replaced the Adult Education Budget (AEB) in August...
Delivering consistent, high-quality training is rife with challenges. There’s a huge amount of admin involved, not ...
PDSAT stands for Provider Data Self-Assessment Toolkit. It’s a free tool that analyses learning delivery data to he...
Autumn is a busy time in any training provider’s calendar. With hard close (R14) complete it’s time to find out if ...
The rules set by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) form an important framework for the way apprentices...
No matter how big or small your organisation, Bud can help you minimise compliance risks, reduce costs and increase...
Two important funding streams for training providers are 16 to 19 study programmes (16 to 19) and adult education b...
Just like many sectors right now, training providers are up against some tough financial challenges. So, what are t...
Maven Capital Partners (“Maven”), one of the UK’s most active investors in growing businesses, has today announced ...