General election: What does a change in government mean for the training industry?

As it currently stands, we’ll likely see a change in government at the next general election. What will the impact be for the training industry?
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Last updated July 22, 2024

How to stay up to date with the latest compliance requirements

Compliance is a critical part of successful training delivery, but it can be difficult to keep track of the latest ...

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Last updated June 13, 2024

An insider’s guide to an ESFA audit

Many Bud customers have reached out to let us know they’ve received 0% error rates in their recent ESFA audits – la...

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Last updated April 24, 2024

What are investors looking for in training providers?

As an apprenticeship and vocational training provider, it can make a lot of sense to explore the idea of external i...

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Last updated April 15, 2024

How to create a high-quality educational experience

As Ofsted has said in the past the most important factors in determining whether apprentices complete their program...

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Last updated March 27, 2024

Four ways to reduce costs with a training management platform this year

Reducing costs is an ongoing priority for training providers. We look at how adopting a training management platfor...

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Last updated March 12, 2024

Preparing for Ofsted: Why providers need to be assertive about progress and destination

Progress and destination are important for Ofsted, but can be complicated to show in apprenticeships. Richard Moore...

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Last updated February 22, 2024

What might catch you out in an Ofsted inspection?

Former Ofsted inspector Richard Moore joined us to discuss common mistakes for training providers and what Ofsted w...

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Last updated September 18, 2023

Off-the-job training: How to overcome common challenges and drive compliance

Off-the-job training has been a cornerstone of apprenticeships since it was first introduced in 2017, but it comes ...

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Last updated August 10, 2023

How to deliver cost-effective, high-quality training to AEB-funded learners

Most training providers are looking for ways to deliver learning cost effectively, especially if their learners are...

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Last updated July 24, 2023

How claiming learner support funding raises the standard of assistance for learners

Learner support funding helps training providers to better support apprentices who have learning difficulties or di...

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