General election: What does a change in government mean for the training industry?

As it currently stands, we’ll likely see a change in government at the next general election. What will the impact be for the training industry?
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Last updated July 22, 2024

How to stay up to date with the latest compliance requirements

Compliance is a critical part of successful training delivery, but it can be difficult to keep track of the latest ...

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Last updated June 13, 2024

An insider’s guide to an ESFA audit

Many Bud customers have reached out to let us know they’ve received 0% error rates in their recent ESFA audits – la...

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Last updated November 21, 2023

Why a robust initial assessment is vital for a successful apprenticeship

Every apprenticeship has a number of key elements that training providers need to get right, from learner engagemen...

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Last updated September 18, 2023

Off-the-job training: How to overcome common challenges and drive compliance

Off-the-job training has been a cornerstone of apprenticeships since it was first introduced in 2017, but it comes ...

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Last updated July 7, 2023

The top areas of focus when embedding the accountability framework into your business

The apprenticeship accountability framework was introduced to create a more rounded assessment of apprenticeship pr...

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Last updated July 3, 2023

What is the apprenticeship accountability framework and how does it impact providers?

The apprenticeship accountability framework is used to review the quality of apprenticeship provision of all ages. ...

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Last updated December 5, 2022

What is a PDSAT and why does it matter for your ESFA audit?

PDSAT stands for Provider Data Self-Assessment Toolkit. It’s a free tool that analyses learning delivery data to he...

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Last updated December 2, 2022

14 ways to make sure your ESFA apprenticeship audit is compliant

The Education, Skills and Funding Agency (ESFA) will be looking at a number of critical factors during their audit,...

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Last updated November 28, 2022

The ESFA timeline: 10 steps an audit will follow

Autumn is a busy time in any training provider’s calendar. With hard close (R14) complete it’s time to find out if ...

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Last updated November 25, 2022

How has Bud changed to meet the latest ESFA funding rules?

The rules set by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) form an important framework for the way apprentices...

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