Navigating the fog of AI: Practical ways to use new technology in the apprenticeship space

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Colleagues working together to stay compliant

Last updated July 22, 2024

How to stay up to date with the latest compliance requirements

Compliance is vital to successful training delivery, but it can be hard to keep track of the latest ESFA funding rules. Here’s where to star...


Last updated June 13, 2024

An insider’s guide to an ESFA audit

Everything you need to know about ESFA audits, from how apprenticeship training providers can prepare to the key areas auditors will look at

Last updated January 18, 2024

How to use marginal gains to improve processes and performance

Marginal gains is the theory that making small improvements in a number of different areas will significantly improve overall performance.

Last updated November 23, 2023

How learning businesses can succeed and thrive in 2024

We look at how learning businesses can succeed and thrive in 2024, from driving operational efficiency to embedding the accountability frame...

Last updated October 6, 2022

Employer Reports

Watch this webinar is to discover Bud's new Employer Reports and the key metrics included in the reports