Navigating the fog of AI: Practical ways to use new technology in the apprenticeship space

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Ballot box with person casting vote on blank voting slip, grungy background

Last updated June 26, 2024

General election: What's on your apprenticeship wishlist for the next government?

We look ahead to the next government and find out which education policies top the wishlist for the apprenticeship and training industry.

Last updated April 15, 2024

How to create a high-quality educational experience

According to Ofsted, the biggest factors in determining whether apprentices complete programmes are the quality of the training and the expe...

FAQs series (1)

Last updated April 8, 2024

Why Potential Realised chose Bud to deliver a first-class learner experience

Potential Realised founders Lynn and Ryan share how Bud has helped them to deliver a first-class learner experience and achieve an Ofsted Go...

Collegues in preparation of an important event-1

Last updated March 12, 2024

Preparing for Ofsted: Why providers need to be assertive about progress and destination

Progress and destination are important for Ofsted, but can be complicated to show in apprenticeships. Richard Moore shares how providers can...

Last updated January 11, 2024

The right processes can drive efficiency, deliver quality and help you scale

Every process should drive best practice, creating the platform you need to deliver high-quality training to every learner and ultimately sc...

Last updated December 11, 2023

What might catch you out in an Ofsted inspection in 2024

In this webinar, Further Education and Skills Consultant and former HMI inspector and manager Richard Moore will delve into the crucial aspe...

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