Navigating the fog of AI: Practical ways to use new technology in the apprenticeship space

Download our whitepaper to find out how to unlock AI in apprenticeship delivery.
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Last updated September 23, 2022

Take the 'hard' out of hard close

Hard close – or R14 – is a term that can fill apprenticeship training providers with a sense of dread. Find out how Bud can help.

Last updated August 31, 2022

What’s the real cost of training delivery in 2022?

Rising costs are having a huge knock-on impact on training delivery, from staff retention to the quality of delivery. Here’s what you need t...

Last updated July 29, 2022

Blended learning: Balancing face-to-face and remote training

We look at the benefits of face-to-face and remote training, and explain how trainers can deliver a blended learning approach.

Last updated July 7, 2022

Digital transformation with Bud: Support every step of the way

Implementing new digital processes can be challenging alongside your other day-to-day responsibilities. At Bud, we tailor our support to you...

Last updated July 4, 2022

How to get your team on board with digital transformation

Why your employees may resist the idea of digital transformation and what you can do to help them overcome their concerns.

Last updated June 24, 2022

Seven benefits of digital transformation for training providers

Discover the top benefits of embracing digital transformation for training providers.

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