Navigating the fog of AI: Practical ways to use new technology in the apprenticeship space

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Last updated April 3, 2024

Why a next-generation LMS is essential for an outstanding learner experience

As a training provider, it’s crucial to ensure that your Learning Management System (LMS) can deliver against learners’ expectations.

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What might catch you out in an Ofsted inspection?

Former Ofsted inspector Richard Moore joined us to discuss common mistakes for training providers and what Ofsted wants to see from apprenti...

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The right processes can drive efficiency, deliver quality and help you scale

Every process should drive best practice, creating the platform you need to deliver high-quality training to every learner and ultimately sc...

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How learning businesses can succeed and thrive in 2024

We look at how learning businesses can succeed and thrive in 2024, from driving operational efficiency to embedding the accountability frame...

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How can data help trainers do a great job?

Most trainers are looking for ways to manage learners more effectively, without increasing their workload. Data is a powerful tool to help y...

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What are Ofsted inspectors looking for in 2023?

Getting ready for Ofsted? From customised training plans to safeguarding protocols, here’s what makes a great Ofsted inspection in 2023.

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