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Last updated July 7, 2023

The top areas of focus when embedding the accountability framework into your business

An interview with Bud’s Brad Tombling to discuss the accountability framework’s impact on providers and how you can make it work to your adv...

Last updated July 4, 2023

All the data reporting requirements for Skills Bootcamps

Providers that are delivering Skills Bootcamps must meet a number of data reporting requirements, as outlined by the ESFA.

Last updated July 3, 2023

What is the apprenticeship accountability framework and how does it impact providers?

The apprenticeship accountability framework is used to review the quality of apprenticeship provision. Here are the key points providers nee...

Last updated June 30, 2023

What needs to be included in an evidence pack for a Skills Bootcamp learner?

As a training provider, your Skills Bootcamp evidence pack must include all the information to support any funding claimed.

Last updated June 29, 2023

Managing eligibility requirements for your Skills Bootcamp

Skills Bootcamps have strict funding and eligibility requirements for training providers. Get it right with our quick and helpful guide.

Last updated June 28, 2023

Skills Bootcamps: Everything training providers need to know

Everything training providers need to know about delivering Skills Bootcamps, including eligibility requirements and benefits.

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