The evolving landscape of training and the future of Ofsted

We invited Further Education & Skills Consultant Richard Moore to share his views on the current sector challenges, the impact of Ofsted and what the future might hold for training providers.
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Webinars and events

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Last updated October 6, 2022

6th October 2022

Employer Reports

A client exclusive webinar for premium clients with Natalie Hodge, Senior Product Owner and Katy Hopwood, Senior Cu...

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Last updated September 9, 2022

9th September 2022

Preparing for an ESFA audit

We understand ESFA audits can be daunting, but there’s lots you can do to prepare. Guest speaker, Rupert Crossland,...

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Last updated November 25, 2021

25th November 2021

An Ofsted Perspective

Watch this webinar to discover the best ways to prepare for upcoming Ofsted inspections now that they are in full s...

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Last updated September 2, 2021

2nd September 2021

Make the ESFA’s Hard Close easier in 2022

We’ve got our experts to collate their ideas and discuss what independent training providers can do to make the end...

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Last updated June 9, 2021

9th June 2021

The 2021 RoATP Refresh

With an introduction from Brad Tombling, Customer Success Director at Bud, this webinar provides illuminating insig...

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Last updated May 27, 2021

27th May 2021

Disruptive technologies and the future of FE

With an introduction from Maurice Conti, deep tech authority, futurist and international keynote speaker, the webin...

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