With Ofsted having recently announced its intention to fully inspect the majority of training providers by September 2025, this webinar is an opportunity to discover what Ofsted inspectors will look for, and how you can get your data in order ready for that all-important inspection. 

Join Further Education and Skills Consultant and former HMI inspector Richard Moore and members of the Bud team, Ruth Johnson and Craig Robinson as they outline what inspectors will be looking for. Plus, discover how Bud platform captures accurate data at each stage in the learner journey.

Join this webinar to discover how to:

  • Track knowledge, skills, and behaviours of your learners
  • Set SMART targets for learners to provide stretch and challenge
  • Produce and deliver plans for learners who require additional support
  • Report on key learner progress and engagement metrics to your board
  • Build and customise individual learning plans


Richard Moore

Further Education and Skills Consultant

Speaker bio
Ruth Johnson

Business Development Manager at Bud Systems

Speaker bio
Craig Robinson

Senior Delivery Consultant at Bud Systems

Speaker bio