If you’re preparing for an Ofsted inspection this year, there are a number of specific areas that will set outstanding training providers apart from the rest. But what makes a great Ofsted inspection?
We spoke to Richard Moore, Further Education and Skills Consultant about the latest requirements for apprenticeships and what Ofsted inspectors will be looking for.
Personal development is a key area of focus for Ofsted this year. Ofsted will expect providers to evidence a planned approach to personal development which suits the level and age group of the learners, and to show that any training is in the context of the apprenticeship.
Planned personal development can be tricky for providers to show, but one option is to implement a wider curriculum plan containing recommendations that tutors could integrate into their teaching. This could include topics like mental health, wellbeing, or equality and diversity.
You should also make sure you record any personal development work that learners are doing with their employer. Large companies often deliver courses on things like healthy eating and mental health first aid, or have schemes that allow staff to donate time to community work.
“Providers often miss a trick in not capturing the personal development training that a lot of apprentices receive in the workplace from their employer,” Richard explained.
“Quite a few apprenticeship providers have been given a Grade 3 for Personal Development by Ofsted because of this expectation and a lack of evidence around a planned approach.”
Training providers will need to evidence to Ofsted how they’ve used outcomes of the skills scans to create individual training plans (ITPs) for learners and programmes that:
The new ESFA funding rules for 2023/24 state that all planned off-the-job training activity (not just shadowing and mentoring) must be agreed in advance of delivery.
Richard suggests that providers ask themselves the following questions:
Many providers fail to track learners’ development of knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) in sufficient detail. However, Richard describes it as “the one area more than any other that sets outstanding providers apart from the rest”.
Where there is a qualification within (or offered alongside) the apprenticeship standard, progress reviews often focus on completing coursework for that qualification. And, even where there isn’t a qualification incorporated, KSBs rarely receive the level of focus that Ofsted will be looking for.
“Any discussion about the KSBs is frequently relegated to a brief chat about one or two bits of knowledge and/or skills that the learner has developed since their previous progress review and nothing more,” Richard said.
“But given that the last review was probably eight to 12 weeks ago, inspectors would expect to see significant progress in new KSBs developed and evidenced both on and off the job – and for a large part of the review to be devoted to discussions around this.”
For example, has the apprentice gained skills that would boost their employability? Are they becoming more confident in their work? How have their capabilities developed, like being able to use technology or handle telephone calls?
Richard adds the following questions:
Watch on demand: Richard Moore joins members of the Bud team to discuss
how to drive successful Ofsted inspection outcomes
Functional skills qualifications (FSQs) are an ongoing challenge for providers. A recent AELP report described FSQs as “no longer fit for purpose”, with the financial burden on providers “undermining rather than supporting what these qualifications are trying to achieve”.
Despite these challenges, Ofsted will be looking closely at how you’re developing functional skills throughout your curriculum. You’ll need to show that you’re teaching skills in a meaningful way, and that it’s not just a tick-box exercise.
Richard recommends that tutors look for opportunities that would promote a discussion or certain modules that would lend themselves to teaching certain technical words, rather than trying to fit it in every lesson.
Ofsted will also want to see that you’re still developing learners’ skills even if they have the required qualifications. This applies to English and maths, but you should also consider digital skills like Microsoft Excel which are fundamental in most jobs.
“It’s important to remember that English covers a wide range of skills in the workplace, from the way people talk to customers to how they write reports and professional emails. If you can get the employer involved in the review, they can talk about those areas that learners might struggle with as well and set those as targets,” Richard said.
A noticeable trend for Richard is that Ofsted inspectors are “increasingly interested” in how well supported learners are who have additional learning needs.
“This is often a challenging area for training providers who don’t receive the same levels of funding as colleges to give learners additional support, or who can’t attract the same levels of expertise by way of staffing to work with these learners,” Richard explained.
It’s common for providers not to claim Additional Learning Support (ALS) funding because they’re unsure of the eligibility criteria or worried about providing the right evidence. However, Ofsted won’t look at any funding claims – the focus will be on evaluating how you are planning and delivering this additional support.
“The inspectors won’t examine your funding claims – that is ESFA territory. But they will talk to relevant learners and training staff about how well supported they feel, and may well ask to see detailed records of the support you are providing them with,” Richard adds.
Finally, safeguarding continues to be a huge focus for Ofsted, as outlined in its further education and skills handbook.
Inspectors will look at how leaders and managers have adapted approaches to safeguarding in recent years to make sure that:
Important areas for investigation by Ofsted would include policies and procedures, actions taken and record keeping, staff training and awareness raising for learners.
As Richard points out, Ofsted’s guidance only refers to “children”, or learners that are aged 18 and under.
While that means providers with exclusively adult learners wouldn’t technically receive the same scrutiny, it’s vital to take your safeguarding responsibilities seriously regardless of the age group.
“Be sensible and move away from the ‘doing it for the sake of an Ofsted inspection’ philosophy. We all know that the risk of sexual abuse and harassment at work and personal lives does not stop at age 18,” Richard said.
“You could expect Ofsted to discuss your arrangements to keep learners safe in this regard and to raise awareness. Whether they could criticise these arrangements if all your learners are aged 18 and over is an interesting point.”
Bud is a joined-up training management platform that’s designed to streamline apprenticeship delivery. With Bud, you’ll get visibility over learner progress and all the data you need to support your Ofsted inspection. See the platform in action by booking a free demo.