
How to deliver high-quality training to ASF-funded learners

Written by budsystems | Oct 8, 2024 12:43:14 PM

Most training providers are looking for ways to deliver learning cost effectively, especially if their learners are eligible for funding under the new Adult Skills Fund (ASF), which has replaced the Adult Education Budget (AEB).

How to deliver high-quality training to ASF-funded learners

Due to the short duration of ASF-funded courses, there’s a risk that learners will lose interest if they aren’t moving through the programme quickly enough. This can lead to potential withdrawals, which can be costly for providers.

When it comes to ASF courses, providers are paid for what has been delivered, so being able to seamlessly move learners through the programme to each milestone is vital.

So, how can you make your delivery more efficient and reduce the cost risk of part-delivered learning? We share some tips on how to deliver training cost effectively – and how Bud can help you to do so.

Improve efficiency and save costs 

One of the best ways to reduce costs is to improve efficiency, which in turn will also improve the quality of the training you deliver. By becoming more efficient, you can focus on delivering the best possible learning experience, without unnecessary spending.

Inefficient systems are a huge drain on time, resources and budgets. Having an intuitive, joined-up platform like Bud can help to streamline processes and give your trainers back the time they need to deliver high-quality ASF-funded training.

Here’s how Bud can make your training delivery more efficient.

Track learner journeys quickly and easily

As mentioned above, getting learners through their courses in a timely manner is important, especially for ASF-funded courses. But keeping track of this can be tricky and things can be missed if you don’t have the right system in place.

Bud’s platform allows you to stay on top of everything using a simple RAG (red, amber, green) system, alongside reporting dashboards which give you full visibility over operations.

These tools allow you to see how all your learners are progressing, including which of them are lagging behind or sitting between milestones, so you can assess who might pose a potential cost risk.

Reduce time spent on admin

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that if you save time on administrative tasks, you’ll save money too. Reducing time spent on admin is one of the key reasons training providers choose Bud.

Spending unnecessary time on the enrolment process or other tasks such as running reports could limit your ability to increase revenue and support growth through additional learners. It also wastes precious time when you could be delivering high-quality learning to those already enrolled on your courses.

Record and report more accurate data

If your team is trying to collect data from multiple systems, perhaps even manually, it not only uses up precious time but it increases the risk of human error. This can lead to inaccurate or incomplete data, which could result in funding clawback.

If you’re currently using disparate systems or are struggling with discrepancies in your data, consider whether switching to Bud could be a good option for you. Having one central system ensures there’s one true source of data, giving you more confidence in your ability to claim ASF funding.

Deliver a better learner experience

Learner satisfaction is a top priority, especially for ASF-funded courses. Learners are less likely to withdraw if they feel they’re moving through the course in good time, meaning less funding lost. It also reduces the time required to fill empty spaces, which all contributes to efficiency and cost saving.

Bud’s all-in-one solution can help to improve learner satisfaction and engagement. Learners are in control and can communicate easily with trainers, which means they receive feedback faster. It’s also easier to capture data at every stage, which is crucial when applying for ASF funding where a high volume of evidence is required.

Save money with remote learning

While there’s value in delivering some training face to face, you can make huge cost savings and deliver training more efficiently online. For adult learners who may have other commitments such as family, this is often a preferred option.

Remote training automatically reduces overheads such as travel and utilities, and allows for a higher learner-to-trainer ratio, without compromising on the quality of education. Bud can facilitate remote learning, offering ease of access anywhere, anytime, making it easy to capture evidence, record data and upload files in the moment.

Read more: Blended learning: Balancing face-to-face and remote training

Deliver ASF-funded training with Bud

If you’re looking for ways to deliver ASF-funded training more cost effectively without compromising on quality, Bud can help. Book a discovery call to find out more about how Bud works.