
Top Training Industry Trends For 2022 - Our Views | Bud

Written by Admin | Apr 5, 2022 11:00:00 PM

The global training industry continues to grow in 2022, bringing with it new trends that look set to transform how organisations deliver their training and how easily learners can absorb and implement what they are learning.

We’re no longer living in an era where we must sign up for expensive and time-consuming evening classes, skip working days to access extra training or travel to different locations to access the learning materials we need.

Everything is now available at the touch of a button, highly accessible and ready to enhance our skills and knowledge for a more successful future.

Whether using an entirely online learning platform, hybrid learning or face-to-face learning, students and training providers can achieve their objectives in a streamlined and modern way.

This will continue to improve as industry trends transform the learning experience. Here are some of the most exciting of these that are set to change the face of education in 2022 and beyond.

What is the training industry?

The training industry (also referred to as the training market) is a generic term used to refer to companies that provide training to individuals, companies and organisations.

As with any other industry, factors such as global trends, technological innovation and consumer concerns can shape how the product is delivered. When it comes to the training industry, the ‘product’ is the online or face-to-face training course.

According to Global Industry Analysts, the online learning market alone looks set to reach $457.8 Billion by 2026.

What training industry trends are we seeing in 2022?

1. Online learning is on the rise

Over the past decade, online learning has become more accessible and popular than ever before. The industry enjoyed a huge boost during COVID lockdowns, making students and employees more comfortable using tech such as online training platforms and communication tools to achieve their objectives.

As Forbes says, “Even before the pandemic, Research and Markets forecast the online education market as $350 Billion by 2025,” This growth looks set to accelerate over the coming years with global learners grasping this opportunity to improve their skills for better educational opportunities and careers.

2. Paper is on the decline

Think of students and you probably imagine huge piles of textbooks, hand-written notes and folders stacked with course information. But in 2022, this continues to change thanks to outstanding online learning platforms that take the hard work out of the learning experience.

Whether students follow a course entirely online or use other educational apps to support their learning, there’s simply no need to write anything down. This can make the learning experience more engaging and fun, it supports the needs of younger learners or tech addicts and takes much of the hard work out of the learning experience.

3. Marketing efforts are doubling down

The training industry is more competitive than ever. Online course platforms have allowed experts, teachers and individuals to share their knowledge and expertise with the world at the click of a button.

This means that standing out in this crowded industry is more important than ever. For this reason, training providers will be focusing more on their marketing efforts than ever in 2022, using social media, email marketing and freebies to attract, engage and convert students to boost enrolments and grow their brands.

4. Online booking is on the rise

Even if the course itself isn’t delivered online, students can reserve their places on training courses, webinars and educational conferences online. This overcomes one of the biggest issues of the industry - getting interested parties to take that step and sign up. It also helps reduce training providers’ overheads, streamline the booking process and generate greater profit without needing additional staff to deal with admin.

Remote training will become the norm

Distance learning has long been an excellent option for those who cannot attend a face-to-face class because of distance from the learning provider, family or job commitments or other personal circumstances.

The growth of remote training and online learning, especially over the COVID lockdowns has meant that this is no longer an issue and online learning is becoming the norm. The benefits are clear:

  • Remote training is more accessible
  • It can be personalised to meet the needs of the student
  • Technology can better support learning
  • Students can revisit training content whenever needed
  • Gamification features make the learning experience more engaging and fun
  • Reduced costs for both training provider and student
  • Learning can often happen at a time and place to suit the student

Learn more with Bud

Bud is an integrated training management platform that can optimise the success of your online training courses. Whether delivering apprenticeships or vocational training, dealing with associated paperwork or managing the course itself, Bud can help. Find out more here.